Kate Slater

Me and Gemma collaborated for our James and the Giant Competition brief and as our final book cover set design included handmade elements, i thought some of her work could give us some more ideas. Here is some more of her work including children's books which appeal to me.

Quite recently as random as it sounds when i visited my dad's house, i decided to take a trip to the Yorkshire sculpture Park and as i arrived, a stunning paper bird installation stood right infront of me which really caught my eye. I'd briefly heard about Kate's work before so decided to track it down online to see what else she creates and even found she's made childrens books aswell. Kate Slater works with both flat collage and a combination of paper, cut-outs and wire, which she uses to create suspended, relief illustrations. Her 3D work on display inside the shop was one of the freshest, most inspiring things I've seen in a long time.

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