Editorial brief 1

For the first week long editorial brief, I decided to carry on working in the same way i did with the previous project (Ted Baker shop window). This was making my little plastercine models similar to Niki De Saint Phalle's because i was pretty content with this working method. I found it enjoyable to do and was quite pleased with my actual ideas behind each of the 3 images. Only thing is, I felt as if they didn't have 'Katy' stamped on top of them, and they still had 'Niki' written all over them- in other words, it didn't feel as if i'd created them and i'd purely just copied her style instead of transforming them into my own. A lot of her designs include heart shapes, flowers, stars etc... which i'd also painted onto my models but did i really need to include those extra things aswell? No.. Simply because it could leave the reader wondering whether these shapes have a reason to be there.

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